LAME: Company overview


These are the needs of men in all kinds of measures and the need to ensure their validity and universality that have raised this science measures what metrology.

The measure is closely linked to human activity, scientific, commercial or INDUSTRIAL. Every day, for acts which we consider mundane, we appeal to her. The measure remains intimately linked to human activity, scientific, commercial or INDUSTRIAL. Its role is constantly increasing and affects vital sectors such as energy, hydrocarbon health, communications, agribusiness and pharmaceutical, safety of industrial plants, the workers and peoples, the protection of the environment.

One of the qualities traditionally required of a seller (manufacturer, trader ..) is it does not make "good good measure weight", so that the seller knows what he sells and the buyer it buys? In a market where pre-packaged products, more and more numerous circulate unhindered one of the quality factors of a packet tagged 500 g is well contain 500 g product.

Any measures (eg piece of soap to 500 g, the boiler outlet temperature ...) should be significant and have the same meaning everywhere and for everyone, yesterday, today and tomorrow. For this measurement devices (in the production lines in the industry, scales ...) should be calibrated and checked regularly. These operations are used to connect the measuring devices (and therefore the measures themselves) reference standards of international system. In doing so the measure becomes unquestionable and recognized as valid by all.

The METROLOGY, measurement science was born in the nineteenth, in full industrial revolution. With the development of trade soon emerged the need to unify the measures. The Metric Convention signed in Paris in 1840 helped to lay the foundation. Today, a single international system (SI) is the reference and any action, here or elsewhere, to be significant and indisputable must be traceable (connected) compared to standard SI system.

In industry, the manufacturing processes are controlled and monitored by measuring devices that indicate values of pressure, temperature, weight, flow (gas or liquid), lengths etc ... All these have measuring equipment and influence the quality of the product / service, facility safety, prevention of occupational hazards and pollution in the context of environmental protection. In industries such as pharmaceuticals, food processing and petrochemical mastery is an absolute necessity. They must be CONTROLLED, to ensure with minimal risk they are within the permissible error limits.

Moreover, legislative harmonization in major regional (Europe ..), the international standardization have instituted new rules. Now the large markets (eg EEA) are protected by a non-tariff curtain, based on respect very stringent standards (product standards, quality ..), thus limiting the access of products from the South. Among the technical barriers (mostly contained in the standards), figure that relating to the control of measurement instruments. In this case the company must prove that his measuring instruments (so its measures) are CONTROLLED, that is to say connected to the standards of the SI system, held at the BIPM -Office International of Weights and Measures.

Furthermore control of measurement equipment is required by the standards for quality (ISO 9001), ISO 14001 and industrial facilities safety. The objective expression of the quality is done with the measure, the reliability and universality based on a monitoring and periodic test

For the company, mastering its measuring equipment is mandatory. Its used for:

- Internally: to control product manufacturing processes; to ensure the safety of people and installations pollution and preserve the environment;

- External: to be able to demonstrate that the measuring devices are controlled (at certification audit or for access to international markets)

Control of measurement instruments necessarily involves calibration and verification operations necessary to make the information supplied by the Measuring Instruments significant. Calibration is used to connect the meter (and beyond measurement) standards to the inernational system and thus making the universal measure

The challenge was to: Design, Document, Produce and Manage the first laboratory for scientific and technical Metrology in the WAEMU zone, adapted to the needs of industry and meets international standards.


The vision is to be a stable partner of the industry and of the Community administration, allowing the removal of technical barriers to free trade in conjunction with measurements and calibrations

  • Mission of LAME

• To ensure the validity of measurements performed by our customers and ensure their connections to the standards of the international system.

  • Vision of LAME

• Keep LAME as reference calibration laboratory in the ECOWAS zone

  • Values LAME

• Professionalism and commitment of its engineers and technicians